Cycling, walking or running are the forms of sport and exercise that the government is promoting during the current pandemic lockdown. Exercise is essential to promote health and wellbeing at a time of stress and uncertainty … that is why central government have advised that bike shops can remain open at this time.
At Red Kite Cycles we are making every effort to protect cycling and cyclists at this complicated time. Here are our current guidelines for safe cycling:
- No group rides of more than 6 people.
- Do not close pass other cyclists – give them 2 meters distance.
- Now is a time for sensible local rides, not long distance endurance.
- No risk taking – the NHS does not need more patients.
- If you are not skilled to fix a puncture, etc, then ride within walking range of your home so that you can easily get back.
- Take your phone.
- Make sure that your bike is in good serviceable condition before heading out.
- As ever, continue to observe normal road rules whilst the traffic is light – no shooting red lights, etc.
- Take time to enjoy the outdoors on your bike as a resource – it looks like we might be inside on lockdown for a while.
- Be kind and share your bike with a family member if they need to get out…